Saturday, May 15, 2004

Prairie Home Companion 30th Anniversary

My husband told me that it was the thirtieth anniversary of the Prairie Home Companion Show on NPR. Prairie Home Companion! I can remember the tenth anniversary; a friend of ours got us a poster and some memorabilia. We've always been fans.

Made me do some thinking..I didn't really know about the show until my sister-in-law told me about it long ago, maybe in 1981 or that time I was only thirty five (ONLY!) 1974 I was twenty-eight, the same age as my son is now..and that was the year my father died. So much has happened in my life since that year. So much good and bad. Paul was born in 1975, twenty-nine years ago in July. My niece was born in that year, too. Now she has a little daughter herself. Old beloved radio old dogs...make you remember maybe too much.

Thunderstorms are being predicted. I'll close this meandering off.

Napping in the sun

I don't get it...the thermometer shows an even seventy degrees, but the sun shining in the window and my body both say eighty. I must believe the instrument, not the organic feeling, right?

Anyway, napping on a twin mattress in a boxed-out window makes me feel like a lucky turtle sunning on a favorite rock.

Black Fly Season

I had NO idea...about black flies...just took a walk, the usual loop, and found about one thousand black flies attached to my once-clean white turtleneck. This is my first season with black flies. Before we bought this house, I was working, so could never be here in May...well, now I'm here...and although I was too chicken to be here in the snow season, don't know if I'm too chicken to be here in FLY season.

Nope, not too chicken. I love this place.